Thank You!

Sunday, I received a beautiful appreciation for my book Rose letters of love to life.

“Delicious prose, a precious gift, life giving wisdom resonating beautifully and profoundly.”

It is such a gift to notice that a reader working in the field of big system change and who contributes to humanity in a loving and generous way resonates with the prose of Rose. Thank you!

For a big system change to happen many small systems need to change as well. For that our mighty minds might need to bend a little to meet our living reality.

Many are going through major changes of perspective right now and that can be tiring, scary and very unpleasant. The kind words of a friend, the gentle support of a partner or the appreciation of a reader can work miracles in that liminal space where we know that the old ways do not work anymore, and the new ways have not shown themselves yet.

Underneath the surface the seeds are present, ready to come to the light individually and collectively. Life is inviting us to change our focus opening our hearts to redefine our future. I see this again and again also in my coaching. 

As I share The Garden of Rose with others and speak about the offerings available some people are already feeling appreciation of being recognised for their true nature and find answers for life-long quests. So here is what is on offer right now.