• feminine leadership, executive stewardship, love letters, mBIT, mBraining, executive coaching




    With author and Holistic leadership coach

    Cécile Masson


    love letters, feminine leadership, mBIT leadership coaching, environment




    Experience more balance


    Find, affirm, and energise your purpose


    Nurture your own intuition


    Overcome fear


    Act in accordance with your own genuineness and wisdom


    Have the impact you desire



  • "Cécile holds space with such tenderness and generosity. She has a graceful wisdom which is a rare find. I was deeply touched by the Letters of Love to Life process and heartily recommend this journey to anyone looking for a deeper connection to her purpose. Thank you Cécile for your loving presence."

  • Why


    “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature”

    Joseph Campbell


    Today’s personal and global challenges require of us to develop new ways of living in our close communities, in our countries and on this planet. That change starts with you on a deep personal level.

    We are trapped in an ecological divide, social divide, and spiritual divide that is at a braking point for humanity and has been devastating for many species.


    Leading Edge, executive coaching, mBIT, mBraining, love letters nature

    In A letter of love to life we delve into the deep rifts that many sense but cannot always name. Often, this divide begins within us, manifesting as conflicting whispers between the heart and mind. However, through profound personal learning structures, we can navigate this fragmentation and embark on a journey of healing for both ourselves and our communities.


    My mission is to cultivate consciousness from within, providing you with the tools and insights to foster personal growth and awareness. I believe that by nurturing a deeper understanding of oneself and the surrounding environment, individuals can contribute to the collective harmony of life.


    In today's world, there is a profound yearning for a future that embraces the inherent harmony of existence. As we navigate this path, there is an increasing recognition of the need for feminine qualities and presence to rebalance our societies and cultivate sustainability. Every voice, whether it be of women or men, plays a crucial role in this endeavor.


    Perhaps you find yourself at a crossroads—leaving behind familiar roles, seeking a new sense of purpose, or responding to the wake-up call. Whatever your journey entails, know that you are not alone. A letter of love to life provides a safe space for exploration and growth, whether you're embarking on a new business venture or simply seeking alignment with your aspirations.


    Join me as we pause to reflect on the beauty of life and uncover pathways to invigorate your journey with purpose. Together, let's step into your personal flow and embrace the harmony that awaits.

  • How

    spirituality, feminine leadership , nature mBIT mBraining executive coaching, love letters executive coaching, inspirational book




    Shape your own letter of love to life.’


    In a small group of up to twelve participants you will explore the dimensions of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing to create your own unique Letter of Love to Life. 


    You can freely colour this ‘letter’ with artistic flair, intellectual acuity or a gesture full of loving-kindness. This letter can take the shape of a painting, a business plan, a dance, or an article you want to publish.


    By focusing your attention on what you love of life you unfold your unique potential for a life in harmony.

  • "Cécile Masson, the author of “Rose, letter of love to life”, is an inspiring coach and guide. She has her unique way to create a magical place for all participants to truly show up with no fears to share vulnerability and questioning. She invites everyone to connect with their full hearts, their bodies, their souls. All aspects are touched in a very holistic approach through deep reflection, exploration, sharing and meditation."

  • WHAT

    YOU WILL...

    Experiment with and empower your own creative expression


    Be encouraged to appreciate how your body communicates with you to guide and protect you


    Challenge your own assumptions and illusions


    Embrace nature close by


    Experience the beauty of like-minded people


    Have created your unique letter of love to life


    I will share with you leadership and deep personal inner work practices that will allow you to train your own neuro plasticity and lateral thinking so that your letter will become your anchor.


    love letters, executive coaching, mBIT, mBraining, feminine leadership, spiritual awakening  Spirit and nature

    If you are willing to explore together with others, my role as your facilitator and host is to hold the space for you to create YOUR ‘letter’ that nourishes your aspirations and needs. I will encourage and challenge you to address all your creative powers and share my insights openly.


    You are the co-creator of your own life

    I am here to energise you to loving it.

  • WHEN

    feminine leadership and stewardship, mBIT, The Garden of Rose, environment and nature spirit connection


    Upcoming Sessions

    On demand either for a team or group or as part of a coaching session with Cécile.




    Sharing this experience with a partner, friend or colleague enrich your life.

  • What do previous participants say

    Inspired by the book Rose, letters of love to life, author Cécile Masson crafted a very powerful personal and leadership experience. By weaving a web built of presencing - meditation and reflection exercises intermingled with her innate life wisdom, she invited us to explore and give form to our own ‘letter of love to life’.


    The journey was smooth and seamless, yet deep and rich in the discovery of our own respective worlds.


    The program is built on a solid design yet has the fluidity to adapt to the audience - making it feel tailored to you as a participant.


    It has given me the gift to gain clarity on what in life I want to celebrate more - and the experience has also allowed me to make big decisions supported by a circle of like-minded women.


    My ‘letter of love to life’ will be a beacon for the years to come and act as a reminder of my unique contribution and an invitation to continue to explore the wisdom of nature as well as self exploration.


    For all those women that want to reconnect with self and set a path - this is a very worthwhile investment.

    Cécile creates a welcoming, sacred space and invites you to be fully yourself. She also challenges you to let yourself be heard and seen and grow into your potential. She encouraged me to express myself through my voice and drum. I didn’t dare to, felt vulnerable and shaky. She held the space. I felt the connection with the other women in the circle and then I did it. Tears came, what a release and relief.


    She guides beautiful and powerful meditations in each session and connects you to that place of deep stillness within. I loved the slow pace of the program so you can dive deeper into yourself and get in touch with some lost or hidden parts where a lot of gems are to be found. She includes nature into her sessions and how all is interconnected. She carries so much wisdom inside. It is a joy to drink from her nectar. Raising consciousness.


    It was a transformational journey and a blessing to get to know the other travelers on a deeper level. What a beautiful and profound journey A Letter of Love to Life is!

    When I quietly reflect on my personal experience of the leadership program “Letters of Love to Life”, my eyes sparkle and I can only feel a big smile on my face!


    Cécile Masson, the author of “Rose, letter of love to life”, is an inspiring coach and guide. She has her unique way to create a magical place for all participants to truly show up with no fears to share vulnerability and questioning. She invites everyone to connect with their full hearts, their bodies, their souls. All aspects are touched in a very holistic approach through deep reflection, exploration, sharing and meditation.


    What a beautiful journey of self-discovery and personal growth, daring to go beyond the surface!


    I recommend, with all my heart, for each woman to give herself a gift to go through the experience of this program to discover and write their own letter of love to life!

    I just needed a holding space with feminine energy for that period, which is exactly what I got. I didn’t know what to expect beyond that, but I enjoyed the nurturing space that allowed for deep reflection and connections with others who were strangers to me before we started.

    You brought us together and held the space beautifully, allowing us all to open and bloom under the care and nurture of each participant. Your interventions and coaching were always spot on. This was a great container for me over the last few months!

    "Cecile holds a generous feminine space of inquiry, depth and sensitivity. What happens here is an opening—of the heart, of a vision, and of our very own letter of love to life."

  • For one on one coaching sessions with Cécile check out her coaching proposition or reach out to her directly. With her 25+ years accompanying internationally private clients, politicians and business owners she could just help you too take the next step in your career or private life with clarity and ease. 

    feminine leadership, mBIT leadership coaching, love letters , executive coaching , nature connection
  • to look even further

    get in touch or check-out my posts on LinkedIN 

    from leadership to stewardship coaching

    Cécile Masson

    broken image



    from leadership to stewardship coaching  mBraining

    Cécile Masson

    broken image


    Rose letters of love to life